The Elephant Goes Green 11+
The Elephant Goes Green is a selection of nine animated short films that provide a humorous way for pupils to explore various aspects of sustainable development and nature conservation. With a wide variety of authors, styles and themes, the films expand our knowledge, stimulate our reflection and action, whilst connecting us in favour of a different, more sustainable development, which nowadays appears as a mandatory direction for the future of our planet.
Gottfried Mentor, Germany, 2021, 4’45“, without dialogues
A town is driven mad. The city of Stuttgart fights back with heavy action against its traffic chaos, with far-reaching consequences. Other cities might follow the signal…
Hugo Caby, Zoé Devise, Antoine Dupriez, Aubin Kubiak, Lucas Lermytte, France, 2020, 8’17”, without dialogues
Two polar bears are driven into exile due to global warming. They will encounter brown bears along their journey, with whom they will try to cohabit.
Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic
Paul Bush, Denmark, Great Britain, 2020, 6’50”, in English with subtitles
An animated extravaganza of plastic collected from beaches, roadsides, attics and junk shops. This is an elegy to a love affair that has gone sour, a fond farewell to that most beautiful material that has enslaved our planet – plastic.
A Little Stone Worth Gold
Petit Cailloux qui vaut de l’or
Alizé Arnal, Ludovic Plisson, Quentin Greiner, Virginie Texier, France, 2020, 4’15“, without dialogues
A little stone is a mineral necessary for the manufacture of electronic devices. An epic story that begins in the mines of Congo, goes through the assembly factories in China, lands in the hands of consumers, and ends up in electronic waste dumps in Ghana.
Oh, So Convenient
Hung Huei Jen Red, Taiwan, Estonia, 2022, 4’35“, without dialogues
A man has a unique way of using toilet paper after pooping. A couple always orders food delivery because they don’t like to put on clothes. A family has a way of avoiding washing dishes. A woman likes her table to be sparkly clean. Too much waste? No problem, flush it all down the toilet!
The Invention of Less
Noah Erni, Switzerland, 2021, 3’03”, in English with subtitles
Due to global warming, a young polar bear has to leave her home and moves to Zurich. Together with other animals, she tries to make a living with casual jobs until she suddenly has an idea that will change the world forever.
Timon Leder, Slovenia, 2016, 11’35”, without dialogues
A hungry weasel attacks a flock of birds living on a tree, the last one still standing upright. The birds in the canopy are trying to keep the tree in balance, while the weasel is persistently trying to climb up its trunk. Its persistence is putting the tree’s fragile balance ever more at risk, and its growling stomach is not letting up until it is too late.
Jorn Leeuwerink, The Netherlands, 2022, 8’15’’, without dialogues
A group of animals hook up a power grid to the socket-shaped snout of a large, sleeping pig. The animals use the pig’s energy for simple things at first, but they are soon dependent on a city where everything is automated…
The Lost Garden
Le jardin perdu
Natalia Chernysheva, France, 2017, 3′, in French with subtitles
Does anyone have a tiny plot of land in the city for a homeless garden? It politely walks down the streets and doesn’t even let his roots drag behind it.