
Name: Animateka International Animated Film Festival
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date: 2 December – 8 December 2024
Call for entries: 15 April – 15 July 2024


Katja Hohler
Executive producer
M: +386 (0)41 572 837

Igor Prassel
Festival director, producer, distribution
M: +386 (0)31 83 64 31

Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1
1000 Ljubljana



Animateka is an international festival that focuses on high quality auteur animated film.

Every December we present the peak production of short animated films from Central and Eastern Europe in our main competition programme, a programme comprising the most original European student films, a programme of carefully selected international films for children and teenagers as well as various special programmes.

Adults and children, the young and the elderly, not only have the opportunity to enjoy a rich film programme but also an abundance of events such as talks with authors, masterclasses, round tables, a regional pitching session (all within the industry-oriented platform AnimatekaPRO), workshops, exhibitions, concerts and informal gatherings.

Our common goal is to be a focal point where professionals from both the region and the world can meet, create collaborations and co-productions, and at the same time spark interest in the local public and get them to fall in love with animated film.

During the year we dedicate our time to distribution and film literacy activities focusing mainly on children and young adults. Our educational programme is based on a cooperation with a widespread network of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions throughout the country that we have built in the past 16 years. It consists of workshops, screenings, guided talks and lectures.